Category Archive: postcards 2010

愛上海 – ai shang hai -

愛上海 – ai shang hai -

Ni hao The last time I was in China was 2 passports ago. At least 6 years ago, China was a giant construction site, …


Team kinabalu… assemble!!

Team kinabalu… assemble!!

What a brilliant excuse to eat as much chocolate and raisins as I like, I thought, as I boarded the plane from Malaysia’s capital to …


damselfish to the rescue

damselfish to the rescue

Hello I was on a boat last weekend. A mad rush to pack on friday evening and then slipping through crazy traffic, across the …


Europe 2009 Video

Europe 2009 Video

Because I can’t do glastonbury (music festival) this year, I made a short vid to play on the ipod to cheer myself up. It’s got …


I am throwing oranges at you.. no, not you, YOU!

I am throwing oranges at you.. no, not you, YOU!

Yo! Yo! Yo! Happy chinese new year! Yes, it still is Chinese New Year! Chinese New Year is not over until Chap Goh Mei, that is …


happy chinese new year!

happy chinese new year!

Happy chinese new year! It’s been a pretty busy past few weeks in KL, with lots of eating, shopping, cookie making, eating…and more eating. Hmm. …


choo choo from pacific to the indian ocean

choo choo from pacific to the indian ocean

Hello! It’s been interesting being in perth because I lived here for 4 years and I was last here almost 10 years ago. In short, perth …


leave room for Australian desert

leave room for Australian desert

I don’t know what possessed me to book a 4 day train from Sydney to perth. My friend’s reaction to me renting a bicycle in …


Go for gold!! Happy new year!

Go for gold!! Happy new year!

Happy new year! This year was a little different because it was the first time I celebrated new year twice! Courtesy of being on the …