Monthly Archives: August 2008

more misadventures in poland

more misadventures in poland

Got to Krakow, did a cycling tour – ratio of 30 cyclists to 1 guide. It wasn’t a case of “if” we lost the guide, …


romance, buffet tables and german concentration camps

romance, buffet tables and german concentration camps

Ah beautiful prague..the town for lovers, couples and newlyweds. Too bad I was none of that. So I held my own hand and strolled myself …


an update! ..and an evry travel collage

an update! ..and an evry travel collage

Hello everyone.. wow it’s been a while since the last email back in April. As you know, I’m not really a slacker (lazy) and to update, …


giant flower puppy

giant flower puppy

I found Madrid to be more interesting than Porto – it had that mix of history and modernity. Because I understand a lot of people …


Portugese egg tarts, monasteries and bridges

Portugese egg tarts, monasteries and bridges

  So 2 days after I got back from Evry & Paris France, I went to Portugal and Spain. I think I went to Lisboa, Porto, …