i like this

These are my favourite collages and stories, in no particular chronological order:

The prince and the ladyboys

A tropical island, the launch of an underwater reef by Malay royalty, a liveaboard dive boat and a white dress. There may have been bongo drums involved.



World cup and wedding cars

Dubai is an interesting place to live in. There’s some stuff I wrote about my daily life in Dubai and an article about a 70-year woman suspected by Saudi religious police of sexual liason…



Hot summer nights

There are a lot of things about Tokyo that I love and most of all are the summer festivals and fireworks that take place. The girls dress up in pretty yukata and everyone brings a picnic and beer to sit (in very orderly fashion) on the street. I remember (in 2005) being absolutely bamboozled by the entirely Japanese language websites, which made tracking down events like these even harder. There weren’t many foreigners here which makes it, to me, an authentic summer experience in Tokyo.



Team kinabalu…assemble!!

The title’s obviously a play on the Anchorman, actually mostly because I had to meet up with the intrepid Singaporeans in Borneo and I like to think that we were an Asian elite strike force… maybe just in my head. But anyone who comes armed with Snickers bars and a box full of band aids is suitably equipped for a 3 day trek up South East Asia’s tallest mountain.. right?



Some experiences just don’t photograph well

I got a fair few replies to this email. See if you can figure out why :p



Budapest, plitvice and split

East europe has some gems. However I suggest that if you’re going to book yourself on a walkabout tour, try not to get too hungover so that you can enjoy plitvice national park. It’s heritage listed and truly paradise on earth.



Koh Phi Phi for the weekend

An hour by hour recount of Koh Phi Phi aka “The Beach”. Boats, beaches, a party and beverages.



Showers in a field

I love Glasto. Even if I have to shower under a metal pipe in the middle of an English paddock at midnight, and do my number ones and twos into a large steel tank filled with the communal biological waste products of half of Britain (the hipster half).



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Japan Dubai London Australia

I like the Japan posts because I wrote a lot more back in 2005. You can also choose a link at random from the contents page. Hope you enjoy the photos and stories, I know that I had so much fun making them.

x Shi.