Tag: sydney

leave room for Australian desert

leave room for Australian desert

I don’t know what possessed me to book a 4 day train from Sydney to perth. My friend’s reaction to me renting a bicycle in …


summer sydney video link

summer sydney video link

It’s been a fun few days, brought around a visiting friend in Sydney. Best to view to the video before youtube takes off the music. My …


summer crowds

summer crowds

Something very odd happened the moment the calender went into december. My quiet little rock pool and beach became flooded with people talking about the …


60 days of summer

60 days of summer

Hmm. Summer. I think all this sunshine, beach, warm weather and walking around in shorts has killed my ability to elucidate my thoughts in written …


between a fort, a shark and a t-rex

between a fort, a shark and a t-rex

Island hopping is something I like to do in when in tropical Malaysia, Thailand, Greece or Croatia, but Sydney? Yes, Sydney Harbour has islands. Sydney …


happy birthday queenie!

happy birthday queenie!

Hello…it’s been a while I think that I’ve just been settling into life in Sydney, so not taking many pics anymore. But we just …


My pool is attached to a beach

My pool is attached to a beach

Went down to the beach for the last swim without layers of neoprene. It’s not exciting, but I like it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf2ZYhyPY6Q At the end of the day …


big hair and fake tits

big hair and fake tits

Pretty frocks! Bright lights! Skin! Tits! Real, fake, silicon and latex pairs! 6 inch heels! Nuns! The pope-mobile! Dykes on Bikes! Bums! Big hair! Hot …


of waterfalls and CNY

of waterfalls and CNY

Hello! Happy belated Chinese New Year. Weather has been crazy, too hot and then too cold (for summer anyway). Tragic bush fires happened and lots of …


Sydney festival

Sydney festival

Mid-week photo collage! Sydney Festival has been really good Favourite bit was probably watching Bruce Lee Enter the Dragon with a great new live …