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I am throwing oranges at you.. no, not you, YOU!

Yo! Yo! Yo! Happy chinese new year! Yes, it still is Chinese New Year!
Chinese New Year is not over until Chap Goh Mei, that is the 15th day of the lunar calendar. Every time I’m back I’m tempted to go to the river and throw an orange in during Chap Go Mei.. an orange?? (I can hear you say..)
The tradition is that young maidens should throw an orange into the river on CGM and they will get a husband. I’m not sure if I’m meant to write my phone number on the orange also? Or if I’m feeling particularly desperate I should get a crateful of oranges. A truckload! I’m at that age when all my relatives ask me when I’m getting married. I think this is their revenge at me for still collecting red packets (angpao, hongpao, filled with money!) from them. This orange tradition is of course, another strange evolved tradition that started in Malaysia
Oh! And Chinese New Year fell on the same day as Valentine’s Day! haha… how was your CNY or Valentine’s Day? Please keep me informed – emails are lovely!