© 2012 admin collage_fainters01

We have a fainter


Spring is here and a group went 5 hours north of Melbourne to frolic in the Australian bush. We battled Friday evening peak hour traffic, arriving past midnight and walked under a magnificent canopy of stars, to set up our tents for the night.
Next morning, up Mount Fainter and set up camp under the summit. I wish I could say something silly went on, besides the massage train, tent party and lying about on assortments of towels, bags, inflatable beds and my own lilo –  yes, a lime green inflatable water toy 1800m above sea level.
Next morning, the most amazing view for morning coffee. Fresh spring water, wildflowers, wild brumbies (horses) and a shower of snow. Happy right now. I think the delayed muscle soreness will set in later….
Also, some epic news, I am now – pretty much – a graduate! So glad it’s done (clutches head in hands) It’s been a big year. Capping it off with a trip to Asia at year end, so hope to see some of you soon :)
Big love,