
In 2005, I started sending out photos to friends whenever I traveled. Actually that might be 2004, because I’m pretty sure I lost some emails when I changed providers…

Anyway, around 2005 I started sending out photos to friends to let them know what part of the world I was in and what I was doing. Eventually the photos became photo collages because it became too time consuming waiting for 6 or 7 photos to upload. Hence the photo collage was created, firstly with Photoshop then with Picasa . Nowadays there isn’t much photoshop editing, if at all. I might crop some photos or adjust brightness or contrast, but most of the pics are as I took them. Over the years the stories have varied in length, or sometimes I just let the photos speak for themselves.  (Usually because I was too exhausted). The emails saved me the lengthy reply to “So, what have you been up to” whenever I met up with friends in whatever corner of the world I happened to be in. And, more importantly, it kept me in touch with all my friends and family scattered around the world.

Right now it’s 2011 and since 2005 I’ve sent out more than 100 emails, most with photo collages and some with video links. The photo collages are of travels in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Australia. Since 2005 I’ve called Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo, Dubai, London, Sydney and now Melbourne my home. I made new friends and experienced happiness, sadness, loneliness and joy.

So, here’s my collection of photos and emails that I wrote to friends and family all over the world. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them.

