Tag: malaysia

yellow rubber ducks and white water

yellow rubber ducks and white water

Hello, it was so good to get out white water rafting today. So many funny moments, like when tree branches pulled one person out of the …


rainforest zipline

rainforest zipline

heyo, went walking around on ropes, nets and planks and flying down ziplines in a tropical rainforest. Have been kind of busy lately so was good …


90 seconds on off and under a boat

90 seconds on off and under a boat

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95Gg7zTTR3A 90 seconds of clear waters and fishes for my dear office cubicle dwelling friends Surely you can spare 90 seconds in between checking …


Team kinabalu… assemble!!

Team kinabalu… assemble!!

What a brilliant excuse to eat as much chocolate and raisins as I like, I thought, as I boarded the plane from Malaysia’s capital to …


damselfish to the rescue

damselfish to the rescue

Hello I was on a boat last weekend. A mad rush to pack on friday evening and then slipping through crazy traffic, across the …


happy chinese new year!

happy chinese new year!

Happy chinese new year! It’s been a pretty busy past few weeks in KL, with lots of eating, shopping, cookie making, eating…and more eating. Hmm. …


dug out some old stuff from my KL archives

dug out some old stuff from my KL archives

Hmm.. you all probably think that I have too much fun.. Actually this trip back to Kuala Lumpur I didn’t take many trips out of the …


Tis the season for turkey

Tis the season for turkey

hi merry xmas! Got back from the turkey/greece trip & drove to east coast for surf the day after… It was good because scored …


Bar Luna

Bar Luna

Happy New Year! Best wishes for 2006…nothing much happened here, spent my NYE in a little seaside town called Cherating on the east coast of Malaysia. …




hiya well I kinda have good news and bad news. Bad news first, I suppose. Bad news is no more Tokyo/ Japan photos. Good news are …