Monthly Archives: March 2008

aery coooos

aery coooos

Happy Easter! I hope everyone has been well fed with chocolate eggs, cream eggs, easter egg flavoured ice cream…and all that. Well..I would My german colleague …


blonde wig in the london gale

blonde wig in the london gale

Hey, More stuff from the Jan-Feb filing cabinet – NME Big Gig (Klaxons, Bloc Party, Kaiser chiefs, Manic St Preachers, Cribs), Linkin Park concert, V day …


in betweens

in betweens

Hey there, a much belated happy new year. And a much belated chinese new year. Needed some time to myself over the dec-jan-feb period so stopped the …


paddy, guiness and dublin

paddy, guiness and dublin

hey I spent St Patrick’s weekend in dublin! With my brilliant planning, I came back on Sunday night – thereby missing the parade in London on …