© 2005 admin collage_kububarurafting



well I kinda have good news and bad news. Bad news first, I suppose. Bad news is no more Tokyo/ Japan photos. Good news are exotic Asia photos and bi-monthly tropical island paradise pics in the future.

Wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t say that I don’t feel disappointed about not seeing Tokyo for a while. But after getting 1 week upset stomach after swallowing Tokyo sea water – tropical coral island paradise doesn’t sound too bad. But Tokyo is sugoi. Always thankful that I had the chance to be there for a bit.

Surfing in wave pool on foam boards is slightly depressing though. Monsoon season for surfing starts late Oct- Nov. Puasa starts in October as well so Selamat Berpuasa!! (evil laugh) Starting work Thursday for slightly higher-than-average pay in architecture firm building Pakistani condominiums so I expect to work like a dog.

Also have laryngitis this week so if you hear nothing but deep breathing when you call my number, it’s not a kinky sex caller, it’s Shi trying to tell you in her loudest whisper that she has laryngitis. (Already done that a few times)

Am in the midst of juggling GMAT studying, a fever and the shop proposal. Went white water rafing as a final hurrah before becoming a urban zombie. Of course I brought my camera if only to prove that yes, I am turning into a yuppie tourist.

Kinda tired now, this fever/flu/laryngitis thing is doing strange things to me.

Have fun,