© 2006 admin bar luna

Bar Luna

Happy New Year!

Best wishes for 2006…nothing much happened here, spent my NYE in a little seaside town called Cherating on the east coast of Malaysia. Haven’t made any significant resolutions except to 1. Not stress so much 2. Exercise more to eleviate stress. 3. Not think about how stressed I am and 4. Surf more (Source of stress doesn’t allow me to have enough free time).

Anyhow…in the midst of all this, a friend’s friend came to Malaysia for the holidays and we had a pretty good week, I think. Here’s a pic of the good life in KL – Bar Luna. It’s a place on the roof top of a service apartment tower, really close to the bars area of KL – Jalan Sultan Ismail and the infamous Beach Club…

Such a good place to bring a special someone you’d like to canoodle with or if you’re a schmuck like me, come with good company, plant your bottom on the mod cushy chairs, strawberry daquiri in hand (ok, so that’s just MY choice of drink)….admire the sparkling lights, the view and what a weird and wonderful city Kuala Lumpur is….so nice.

And of course before the bar we had a fantastic Indo-Chine (vietnamese, thai etc) dinner at the Bar Savant at the Asian Heritage Row. Thai duck salad, mango salad, starters platter with fresh rolls, moneybags, chicken green curry, black pepper beef…great food. Buddhist décor with sculptures, wall carvings, koi pond and Bob Marley blasting downstairs ;)

One of the perks of being in a warm tropical country….

Best wishes