Tag: concert

showers in a field

showers in a field

How do you describe 6 days of living in a tent in the english countryside, seeing amazing bands, acrobats, stalls, sculptures and performers? UNREAL. Glastonbury (music festival) …


good music peace and love

good music peace and love

Got home past midnight because of a signaling failure at Doncaster from York. Then up the next morning at 430 because I had collapsed into …


blonde wig in the london gale

blonde wig in the london gale

Hey, More stuff from the Jan-Feb filing cabinet – NME Big Gig (Klaxons, Bloc Party, Kaiser chiefs, Manic St Preachers, Cribs), Linkin Park concert, V day …


Mulled wine is good for you (or so I tell myself)

Mulled wine is good for you (or so I tell myself)

Heya Concerts were good. Kaiser Chiefs was mosh pit fun (got a spot right in the front of the stage!) nice nice nice – they are …


go-go, gingerbread, carols and concerts

go-go, gingerbread, carols and concerts

xmas is in full swing now.. nice that in london there is so much choice to do the conventional xmas stuff and the unconventional xmas like: shopping: John …