© 2008 admin collage_glastonbury2

good music peace and love

Got home past midnight because of a signaling failure at Doncaster from York. Then up the next morning at 430 because I had collapsed into bed & still hadn’t packed for Glasto.

As the coach pulled out of Victoria London, it was bright and sunny, spirits were high and I was amazed at how organised everything was. As we got closer to the venue, it started to drizzle and the only pit stop was selling water, wet wipes and wellingtons for 2-3 times the normal price.

But the drizzle stopped after the 1st day and Glasto had the best sunny weather for the first time in years! Epic indeed. There were so many great bands to see and the audiences were mostly happy and sane – except for the ones at the Amy Winehouse and Jay-Z gig. We had a rough plan to see most gigs we wanted but spent most of the time wandering in and out of different tents, more bands, Green Fields (Hippy area), organic coffee, organic sausages, organic apple cider and organic impromptu wild dancing (heehee)

Best thing in the world has got to be jumping up and down in a sunny grassy field to great music with good friends :) Had such a good time I’ve already booked my ticket for 2009..so see you London people next year :D

Fantastic 3 days, left glasto with a brilliant sunset back to london and the next morning hopped on a flight to Kuala Lumpur via Doha. Next email, Thailand.
