Tag: museum

ciao and aloha london

ciao and aloha london

Time seemed to pass way too quickly while I was in London, I was sort of dashing in and out of london going to different …


play me I’m yours

play me I’m yours

Perhaps one thing remains constant in London in the midst of change – the horrible weather. It’s what London’s known for, which is why the …


giant flower puppy

giant flower puppy

I found Madrid to be more interesting than Porto – it had that mix of history and modernity. Because I understand a lot of people …


blonde wig in the london gale

blonde wig in the london gale

Hey, More stuff from the Jan-Feb filing cabinet – NME Big Gig (Klaxons, Bloc Party, Kaiser chiefs, Manic St Preachers, Cribs), Linkin Park concert, V day …


go-go, gingerbread, carols and concerts

go-go, gingerbread, carols and concerts

xmas is in full swing now.. nice that in london there is so much choice to do the conventional xmas stuff and the unconventional xmas like: shopping: John …


some experiences just don’t photograph well

some experiences just don’t photograph well

Hello, Forgive the fragmented nature of this email, I don’t think I’ve had time to process the varied stuff I did over the weekend. Weather’s gotten cold, …


Hot summer nights

Hot summer nights

Hey there This weekend …


Museum day

Museum day

Hullo.. Yet another slow …