Category Archive: postcards 2009

GPS needed

GPS needed

The first thing you notice when you get to the bus or train station in Venice is that it costs something ridiculous like 8 euro …


happy birthday queenie!

happy birthday queenie!

Hello…it’s been a while I think that I’ve just been settling into life in Sydney, so not taking many pics anymore. But we just …


My pool is attached to a beach

My pool is attached to a beach

Went down to the beach for the last swim without layers of neoprene. It’s not exciting, but I like it. At the end of the day …




Summer is now over and the cold winds have come….well, cold for sydney anyway. Went down to Canberra last week… was fun. Sort of. Canberra is …


big hair and fake tits

big hair and fake tits

Pretty frocks! Bright lights! Skin! Tits! Real, fake, silicon and latex pairs! 6 inch heels! Nuns! The pope-mobile! Dykes on Bikes! Bums! Big hair! Hot …


of waterfalls and CNY

of waterfalls and CNY

Hello! Happy belated Chinese New Year. Weather has been crazy, too hot and then too cold (for summer anyway). Tragic bush fires happened and lots of …


Sydney festival

Sydney festival

Mid-week photo collage! Sydney Festival has been really good Favourite bit was probably watching Bruce Lee Enter the Dragon with a great new live …


where are those beach photos?

where are those beach photos?

Here they are! Actually not many surf photos because I usually walk to the beach with nothing more than my house keys, swim/surf stuff…that’s it. In the …


happy new year!

happy new year!

Happy new year! A bit late to say it, but better late than never I was kind of busy over the xmas nye period, …