© 2009 admin collage_venice

GPS needed

The first thing you notice when you get to the bus or train station in Venice is that it costs something ridiculous like 8 euro for a map of Venice. This is even more ridiculous when you realise that if you decide to walk around the little streets, canals and bridges that link up the watery network that is Venice…you should just throw away your map and orientate yourself by the Rialto bridge (eastwards, in the middle), Piazza San Marco (east east, at the end) or Piazzale Roma (train station, westwards)

The process of orientation is such: first, find a sign on a building (say, the Rialto bridge), then walk through twisting narrow street, over little bridge, through little square, over another bridge, left right right left now where is the Rialto? Take another 2 steps… and find another sign overhead. And continue like this until you reach your destination. Walking becomes a journey of hope as eventually some Venetian landmark will loom up from the mire of twisted renaissance alleyways…

Or you could just get a daily ferry ticket and save yourself the trouble.

But oh, isn’t Venice just so beautiful? Surrounded by tourist twat (myself included), enveloped in funky smells (blame it on the canals and tourists who couldn’t find their way to a loo in time), serviced by jaded locals and composed of centuries of history, modern art galleries and gorgeous architecture.

I am definitely going back one day, but probably in autumn or winter when I’m not melting in the summer heat.


ps: this took place 2 months ago…and for those of you added onto the email, welcome! I send out little photo collages when I travel :) Or in this case, after I traveled.