Tag: australia

60 days of summer

60 days of summer

Hmm. Summer. I think all this sunshine, beach, warm weather and walking around in shorts has killed my ability to elucidate my thoughts in written …


hunter valley

hunter valley

Hooray! Australia’s population just tipped 22 million people! With an Australian land mass of 7,692,030 kmĀ², a majority of people live by the sea, me …




Summer is now over and the cold winds have come….well, cold for sydney anyway. Went down to Canberra last week… was fun. Sort of. Canberra is …


happy new year!

happy new year!

Happy new year! A bit late to say it, but better late than never I was kind of busy over the xmas nye period, …


sashimi fresher

sashimi fresher

Hola to everyone out there who are spending december in the cold or the heat Setting the scene..the temperature was humid, muggy and the …


in betweens

in betweens

Hey there, a much belated happy new year. And a much belated chinese new year. Needed some time to myself over the dec-jan-feb period so stopped the …