Tag: dubai

Long update

Long update

Bali London     Hi yall Latest news is that I left Dubai 1 month ago after resigning from my job (early Oct), so I won’t be back there anytime …


Dubai – additional images

Dubai – additional images

Mobile phone images.


World cup and wedding cars

World cup and wedding cars

Hi, Hmm it’s been a long time between emails – Been sick through an extended cold/flu and trying to keep myself afloat with deadlines etc and …


Dust on the rocks

Dust on the rocks

Hello Couple of mad sandstorms last week and still not used to getting home dusty every day. Heck, I get dusty the moment I step out …


1st week in dubai

1st week in dubai

Hmmm.. View from apartment bedroom – twinkling lights of Shangri-la hotel and all the fancy skyscrapers on Sheikh Zayed Road. Got into Dubai ok, 4am last …


2 weeks in Dubai

2 weeks in Dubai

Hi there I got back from a 2 week work trip to Dubai almost 2 weeks ago and I’m supposed to fly back for about a …


No camels no burkha

No camels no burkha

Hey there I thought that I wanted to take a photo of myself paddling out in a Santa hat and send it as a Christmas email …