© 2010 admin collage_kkb

yellow rubber ducks and white water


it was so good to get out white water rafting today. So many funny moments, like when tree branches pulled one person out of the boat, so we grabbed an ankle each and pulled her back, with her head dragging in the water. The guide tricking us to tip over at the rapids(failed), trying to get the guide into the water (failed), tree branches managing to snag a paddle so we spent 10 minutes chasing it downstream (success). Earlier, we had to split up into 2 boats so the girls in the other boat reported that all the guys in their boat quickly put their paddles up and sat inside when the guide shouted “forward” (paddle) leaving the girls to do all the paddling. After the trip, those guys asked the girls out for a date and .. speechless…hmmm anyway guys who know how to use a paddle are more appealing :p

Such a good day, we had 1 guide instead of 2 so me and Bel got to do a bit more steering and paddling. It was pretty hard to paddle and video, so at one epic rapids I pushed the camera in my jacket… and I don’t know what happened next, but suddenly 4 out of 6 of us were in the water :p It’s in the video. By the way, two of the girls in the boat actually don’t know how to swim :S


Enjoy x

ps: song is Tom Vek, Green lights.

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