© 2009 admin sydney

of waterfalls and CNY


Happy belated Chinese New Year. Weather has been crazy, too hot and then too cold (for summer anyway). Tragic bush fires happened and lots of shark attacks.

They say that one of the lies to tell tourists in Sydney is that people have been attacked by sharks at Bondi Beach..

…until it actually happened today in Bondi at 730pm

there are little ones actually, I’ve gone scuba diving below Bondi and there are cute little ones (Port Jacksons) and around Maroubra beach there is a dive spot with big grey nurse sharks (sand tiger sharks?) about 100ft down… anyway best not to think about sharks and just enjoy the water :p

Went to the Blue Mountains some time ago, it’s blue because of the eucalyptus oil from the trees. Was good, went to see a 125m tall waterfall..walked for day including going down a 1000-steps stair…as opposed to UP the stairs as recommended in the tourist guidebook. Some kid on work experience training must have got his hands on that edit…

At the end of the trail saw a tiny 3m high waterfall, left feeling cheated. Got back to the car, had a final look at the scenic lookout 5 mins from the car – and saw the 125m high waterfall. What we saw in the forest was the bottom 3m part (122m covered by the trees)

Things are pretty crazy here… hope you like the pics.


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