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2 weeks in Dubai

Hi there

I got back from a 2 week work trip to Dubai almost 2 weeks ago and I’m supposed to fly back for about a week or so this week. I was really slow in getting together the photos because I did laser cornea surgery right after the trip to correct my short-sightedness. I’m glad I got the surgery although I was walking blind for about 2-3 days after. I couldn’t even read my smses until the very blurry 3rd day =p

Here are highlights from the 2week Dubai trip:

Dinner at the Al-Burj Dubai (the self proclaimed 7-star hotel – you need a reservation just to drive across the bridge now, you used to be able to just pay your way. Lobster dinner, drinks at the roof bar and realising that the place is full of A) European & Russian retirees B) Guys trying to impress their dates (which makes it similar to every other expensive restaurant in the world then =p) C) The gaudiest looking interiors (Star Wars meets Austin Powers). D) 5 – figure price tags for some drinks on the menu.

Rain in Dubai! Yes it rains. If it rains for more than 4 days then it’s a veritable flood. More like a fine mist-type rain than a tropical country downpour.

Ooh ahh seriously nice cars.

Going to Bur Dubai (Old Dubai) and sitting on the traditional boats to cross the river. The bazaar was a bit of a letdown because it was sort of like every other market I’d seen in Asia, I think I expected it to be different. I think that cheap cotton Pokemon shorts and sequin covered bra lingerie sets are universal =p

And the not-so-highlights: 80-90 hour weeks for 2 weeks straight. *shudder* Big Hairy Ugly Deadline and confusion about our weekends (is it Sat Sun or Thurs Fri..)

No beer for sale in retail, not even in the supermarkets. The receptionist says that she and her husband call a guy and he delivers to their home, she doesn’t even know his name…(what the?)

Anyway, I’ve accepted the company offer to work in Dubai for 1 year – it’s a pretty sweet deal financially, and the company’s got a nice apartment for us. I guess that Dubai will be interesting to work in, it’s a lot closer to Europe (hello London and Paris!) and a car drive away from Oman which is really beautiful and other Middle Eastern cities. So if you ever feel like visiting the United Arab Emirates (UAE) give me a call ;) I’ve seen some pics of surf in Oman and it looks great, but I need some hefty big guys to protect me in the car (it’s still a bit of a cowboy town outside of Dubai) so if you’re a hefty big guy, email me! So hopefully after I get back from Dubai in 2 weeks, I’ll have 2-3 weekends to packup for the Big Move on 1 st May.

Actually I’m kind of sad about leaving Koala Lumpy (KL). I don’t have any friends in Dubai! And no, people that you already spend 14 hours in the office with DOES NOT COUNT *no offience* (more cellmates than acquaintances). I wonder if I can replace that with material objects hmmm…;) Direct me to the closest chocolate shop Mr. Taxi Driver!


ps:attached article is the press clipping of the company’s latest project (hooray! its alive..it’s alive!)

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