Sydney festival

Sydney festival

Mid-week photo collage! Sydney Festival has been really good Favourite bit was probably watching Bruce Lee Enter the Dragon with a great new live …


where are those beach photos?

where are those beach photos?

Here they are! Actually not many surf photos because I usually walk to the beach with nothing more than my house keys, swim/surf stuff…that’s it. In the …


happy new year!

happy new year!

Happy new year! A bit late to say it, but better late than never I was kind of busy over the xmas nye period, …


sashimi fresher

sashimi fresher

Hola to everyone out there who are spending december in the cold or the heat Setting the scene..the temperature was humid, muggy and the …


dug out some old stuff from my KL archives

dug out some old stuff from my KL archives

Hmm.. you all probably think that I have too much fun.. Actually this trip back to Kuala Lumpur I didn’t take many trips out of the …


same same but different

same same but different

Bangkok seemed like a Buddhist version of Islamic Kuala Lumpur, buildings and streets bathed in golden warm tones instead of the leafy green blue hues …


the beach

the beach

Hello! Wow these few months have been super busy… Krabi Thailand was really good, had heard good things from climber friends and it costs less than …


good music peace and love

good music peace and love

Got home past midnight because of a signaling failure at Doncaster from York. Then up the next morning at 430 because I had collapsed into …




Got on plane back to UK from Croatia. Spent less than 12 hours in London seeing my design in Royal Arts Academy Summer Exhibition (woo!), …


cruising croatia

cruising croatia

Got on the (vintage?) boat at Split, went to Hvar, Korcula, Dubrovnik, Mljet and back to Split. Boat trip was good yet with really bad …