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The mouse


It has been really really hot in Tokyo lately, I’ve been becoming like har gau dimsum (a steamed shrimp in soft skin) Went to Disneyland last Saturday and it was more enjoyable than how I remembered the last times I went to the other Disneylands, think I was more cruisy this time (ahh yes getting old now) as compared to riding the triple looper 7 times in a row in Dreamland Gold Coast…anyway…

It was good. Went on Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Haunted Mansion, stood in a few lines, saw parades, had a bunch of Japanese girls screaming “Kawaaaaiiiiii!!! Kawaaaaaiiii!!” into my ear going nuts over a squinty eyed Elvis impersonator and saw too many girls (and their boyfriends) with fake animal ears (Marie, Minnie, Dumbo, Bambi, Stitch…), lots of 50′s Americana, Hawaiian stuff.. families laying mats on the ground to wait for parades. And saw a totally excellent Light Parade when it got darker. Fireworks got cancelled because of inclement weather, but then I joined the mob of Japanese people buying gifts from the giftstore and got bumped, shoved, elbowed and stepped on for my efforts.

For some strange reason there are a lot of the tanned blonde Japanese girls in Disneyland…

So I decided to go to Shibuya and check them out in their natural habitat.

I didn’t get any photos of the girls (yeah, I’m useless), but I got a photo of the Hachiko Crossing and a mob of angry pedestrians swarming over a helpless bus before the snippy Starbucks lady told me off (Advice: photos not allowed in Shibuya starbucks, so do it quietly)

Anyway going to get some rest, the combination of hot weather and then coming into cold air-cond is wreaking havoc on me.

Take care,


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