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the beach

Hello! Wow these few months have been super busy…

Krabi Thailand was really good, had heard good things from climber friends and it costs less than 50 quid return from Kuala Lumpur. Krabi was exactly what we were looking for – great beaches, beautiful reef, cheap, not crowded (not being peak season helped), lots of halal food (larger muslim population than say bangkok)…and just so beautiful :)

Did a 3-island hopping trip, including Koh Poda, walking from Chicken Island to Tup Island and some beaches on the mainland. Koh Poda is gorgeous, but the monkeys! We put down our water bottles for 2 seconds, and they came charging straight at us, fangs bared and proceeded to bite open the bottles and start drinking. Round Two: Had to do a Baywatch style sprint (out of the water instead of in) when we saw the monkeys heading towards our bags, although we had put it out of the way across the beach!

Monkey misadventures aside, we had a great time snorkelling, jumping off the boat, climbing caves, watching Miss iNa not realise what the idols in the cave were and be led to put her arms around them in a big hug (the cave is in the photos), sitting in beachside cafes, eating at roadside stalls, running through the rain, watching the boats, swinging, sitting in hammocks, getting stretched out in Thai massages…

Next email, bangkok :) Have a good week,

ps: here is something definitely worth watching – I was really tired after work but made me smile. It’s a guy called Matt, and he is dancing :) Enjoy!

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