© 2007 admin collage_london6a

Strange August


it’s been a strange August, just a lot of things happening. But came out of it ok, although slightly tired and not wanting to move from my bed/apartment.

What a boring git.

Mostly working, eating, trying to sleep and at the end of it – absolutely hating airplane food. Sent out postcards, met up with people, listened to my ipod. Came back home, packed again, tried to do laundry. Caught taxis, buses, trains, connecting flights, made notes, wrote emails, took photos. Lots and lots of photos. Smiled at customs people, got my luggage, went in and out and in and out and in again.

Saw my family, got sent to the airport, picked up from the airport. And again and again and again.

Working at london time in Vancouver.

Vancouver Pride Parade.

Eating fantastic seafood around vancouver.

Feeling absolutely shite when I couldn’t get my Japanese visa in time.

Playing company softball in the rain.

Flying/travelling for more than 24hrs.

Loving the weather in Msia.

Loving the 25m infinity pool with the view of Spore river.

Cycling in Holland, eating pickled fish in a bun.

Walking through the red light district.

Humongous carbon footprint.

Singing crazy singstar (karaoke) at home with colleagues.

London borough markets for coffee and eats.

And now I’m writing this email on a sunny sunday morning in london, with sunshine pouring in the window.

Soon I have to catch the ferry down the thames for a bbq in Greenwich..

Late already! :) eeks

Hope all is well, write soon

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