© 2007 admin collage_vancouver

london and vancouver (I’m tired of making up catchy titles)


1 month later, here’s the list of things I’ve been up to since I got to London:

1. Experience delays to the Piccadilly line due to planned engineering works
2. See footballers’ mansions (from the outside of course)
3. Sit through 3 hours of commuting everyday for 2 weeks
4. Apartment hunting
5. Move into new apartment
6. Picnics in the park
7. Barbeques in twilight
8. Eat strawberries, blueberries & cherries
9. Drink beer
10. Play softball (actually drink beer & eat sandwiches)
11. Stay late at work
12. Get hayfever
13. Get stuck in shopping mobs on Oxford Street
14. Walk in the rain
15. Sit in the sun
16. Queue up (anywhere, everywhere! brits will queue up just like
indians will shove, and malaysians will elbow & trample)
17. See scanning scam at Oxford St Citibank ATM with ipod battery &
wireless transmitter (see pic)

1. Get jet-lagged london-vancouver
2. Eat very good Canadian nosh
3. Wake up fri morning & see on CNN that there has been 2 bomb scares in london
4. See Vancouver
5. Marvel at its natural beauty
6. Marvel at what people don’t get up to at night (nothing)
7. Get jet-lagged vancouver-london & can’t sleep for 3 days
8. Big pile of stuff to do when I get back

Truth is, the discovery/travelling/glamorous bits only happen for 2 (at the most) days out of many months…

but am quite happy to share those happy bits once in a while.

So from london that is apparently having the coldest & wettest summer in years (or so everyone tells me)..


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