© 2008 admin collage_stockholm

hej from stockholm

Hej! (said “hey”)

that’s how the Swedes say it. Stockholm was pretty good. But really shocking for me to find a place where buying a coke costs more than London. Yes Scandinavia is expensive.

That aside, Stockholm was really nice. Scenic, cold, the city faces a bay and water water water. Swedes were really influenced by Baroque Italian architecture so the main buildings are this strange mix of Parisian/Italian influences..

Did the touristy thing yeah, Gamla Stan Old Town, Royal Palace, boat tour, Nordisska Museum..but the 300 year old 95% preserved royal ship that sank 15 minutes after being launched was definitely the highlight. It’s called the Vassa (at the Vassa Museum) and even though it sat underwater covered with silt for 300 years, because the water was too cold for naval worms to eat it away the ship is completely preserved. Huge huge ship, 90m tall and too narrow so it just capsized when the wind filled the sails :p

I tried the swedish meatballs (very good) but did not go to Ikea. I did find an Ikea chair to sit on though. Swedes are strange. Counter service is horrible (sulky & expressionless), but I would be walking along the waterfront & people would give me a huge smile. I also got stared at A LOT just walking on the street. You would think they had never seen an Oriental dwarf hunchbacked eyepatched woodenpegged tourist from London before…Kidding.

Was very cold, but it didn’t snow in Stockholm

It did snow in London last weekend but some people in london slept in on a sunday morning and missed the whole thing anyway. And I heard that the Olympic torch run in London was a series of shambles…sigh.

But spring is here! The days are longer! We have turned the clocks 1 hour forward!

And most importantly..

I have got tickets to Glastonbury!



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