© 2007 admin

Forms, forms, more forms.. and india! :D

wow it’s been a crazy 2 months.

Been filling out so many forms that now I see little boxes everywhere, mailing off stuff, getting my insides x-rayed..and now the australian government says that my engrish ish no gewd sew me gotta taking the engreesh test…


I really need a holiday, I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. In short, in 2 months I have obtained a British visa, an Indian visa & am trying to get an Australian visa. I can now add those to my collection of Chinese, Japanese, UAE, USA visas :p

Does anyone want to go to Bangkok? Me and Lin are planning a food/shopping-fest before I go to London..

THAT’S RIGHT! I am finally (yes, after all that hee-hawing) going to London!! Am I excited??? You think??

woo hoo hoo….

Anyway I start work 4th June, trying to set everything up to arrive 31st May… so before that I am trying to fit in a trip to Bangkok, surf trip to Phuket, dive trip to Tioman, paintball, a wedding…and my first Cheng Beng (Festival of the Souls). Grandpa passed away less than 2 weeks ago. Try not to think too much about it, but he was an old bloke who lived a happy and long life.

I wasn’t able to be there for the funeral but I went down to pay last respects the day before I flew to India (business trip).

India was..hehe really interesting but smelly ;) Bright colors everywhere, I was really keen to see Bangalore, Sillicon Valley outside of the US! I got to eat some really fantastic Indian food (and paid the price later), got to see a new culture – and Bangalore is really beautiful with lakes, and gardens, and cows everywhere! hehe. Densely populated, in 25 years they expect the population to increase to 16 million! Just a big infrastructure/housing/legislative/etc.. headache

Don’t mention the traffic, if you’re not stuck in it, you might be clinging onto the seat in sheer terror at the way they drive…. I just thanked my lucky stars I had air-con all the way, and scrambled for the seat belt (there wasn’t one) Slums & US$2million mansions…drive past the gates of the Floridian gated community and you’re back in the dusty roads and the teeming humanity.

At Banglore airport, I was checking my gate on the ticket thinking…”ok, Gate 1…geez there are no signs (looking around), how am I going to find my gate…” And then I walked through a few halls and then realised that there was only ONE gate :p

And that’s the end of the tales of the young and clueless…

I can’t wait to get jump into the tropical waters of Tioman/Phuket/ wavepool?? yuck…

Thai food! thai food! ohhhhh bliss
:D shi.

ps: If you’re curious about Cheng Beng check out:

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