© 2011 admin collage_melbourne

ding ding! tram stopping in melbourne…

Lovers of vintage leather ankleboots, vests and wayfarer raybans, rejoice! For Melbourne is surely the hallowed land…
Ok, so not everyone wears vintage “everything” in Melbourne, but one thing is for sure, Melbournians are immensely self-assured that in the national Australian stakes of “cultural coolness”, they rank up there. Culture is not the only thing cool about Melbourne, I’ve had the distinct displeasure of experiencing Melbourne’s infamous 4-seasons-in-a-day weather – on any given day it can be sunny in the morning, rain in the afternoon, windy in the evening… But of course anyone who’s lived in London can tell you it could be worse, because at least the sun comes out in Melbourne! If Australian cities were named by colors, then Perth would be a sun-bleached white, Sydney a glimmery sea blue and Melbourne a leafy green. It’s not just the domes and arches of the Victorian architecture, the abundant rolling lawns and old trees, but also, yes, its people – leggings are the order of the day, signature jewellery, hair piled in a loose buns high on women’s heads…can you tell that I’m intrigued by the je ne sais quoi of the Melbournians?
As for transport, Melbourne has a quaint tram system, which I think is great! Trams pass often with a happy ding dong ( not so good when I’m trying to sleep :p ) and through the main points in town, but a lot of locals cycle or skate (because they are cooler that way) I’m living on the edge of the CBD, Lygon Street (which is known as the main Italian cafes/restaurant street) and very close to the Melbourne cemetary – so, it’s work, eat, sleep…and then you’re dead? Or something like that.
So, I’m in Melbourne right now, job hunting and I’m hoping that this stay will be a little more permanent. 2011 will be an interesting year for sure. Big love to all of you who made 2010 bearable. My Australian number +6140XXXXXXX
Also happy chinese new year! I hope that this year of the rabbit finds you plenty of cash-filled red packets!

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