© 2012 admin collage_melbourne_xmas2011

The christmas gone by

It’s been a long time since I last wrote, it was a crazy year in 2011 and I’m glad to say that I was putting in the hard yards for a (hopefully) great 2012.
The biggest thing about 2012 is that I’m a university student again! Yes! I am so excited. I am looking forward to flashing my uni card and getting student discounts. That will certainly offset the thousands of dollars in uni fees I will be paying, upfront, at the beginning of every semester. I shouldn’t really complain because I got a government subsidy for my uni degree and I wouldn’t be able to do it without. So thank you Australian government.
I think that one of the benefits of going back to uni after several years of work, is that one appreciates a lot more the opportunities in university. If you’re wondering, yes, I am one of those people who have a huge cheesy grin, when buying textbooks. Ooh! Excitement! Of course you can imagine that I will be super busy this year. Yes unfortunately I will be hanging up my overseas-travelling shoes in 2012. However I’ll still be up for some adventure-ing in Melbourne and the surrounds.
And certainly 2012 was off to a good start as I had the best ever (first one too) Christmas dinner with an Australian family, and then I had a blast showing around my beloved family friends around Melbourne, then a big splash on the beach (40 degrees Celsius) on the 2nd of January.
So since my wings are temporarily clipped, do come down to Melbourne to say hello if you can. I’ll be right here.
Happy new year.. and happy chinese new year.