© 2005 admin zengrdn

Kyoto – fast!


More pics from me – really tired at the moment, I’ve been shinkansen-ing Tokyo-Kyoto this whole weekend, I made 4 trips (woo-hoo!) Shinkansen travel is definitely for me, it makes scenic (but boring) landscape into MTV-esque 30second clips that match my attention span.. I’m still having problems with the trains (this time, the crush went my direction and I was mooshed against the glass) and today on the train to work I could feel the guy next to me’s tupperware in his bag indent itself into my hip…My japanese is also not getting better (in fact it has declined, decayed and is dead on the gutter) and I need classes..like..NOW.

Kyoto was really good. It took a while to get used to but I went all touristy and visited a palace, shrine, castle and zen garden (in that order). I paid the most amount of money for one meal in Kyoto, and it was for a bowl of tofu. But when you see where the restaurant was…you’d understand. And the tofu was good…really! The zen garden was amazing, (Ryoanji)…you can really just relax being there, and I felt heaps better on the way home. Gravel and stones have taken on a whole new meaning….

Well it’s been raining all day here and I’m glad I’m not going home yet. It looks cold out there.

Hope all is well,

Tired Shi all nippon-ised.