© 2007 admin collage_damascus

27 hrs in Damascus

Everything is a blur – the trip was for 3 days but I spent more than half of that in the air, waiting in airports & in a hotel in dubai.

Surprisingly managed to see a lot: 1400 yrs old Omayad Mosque, Old Town Damascus Souk with Roman columns, Azem Palace, Walls of Damascus, Damascus Opera House backstage, view from Cassoun Mountain, Cultural Museum..

Very interesting place – Romans, Greeks, Christians & Muslims have all passed through or had their civilizations there at some point in time.
(Oldest inhabited city in the world)

For the 27hrs I was there, the people were nice enough to me (aside from the pushing & shoving at the airport) and its a very safe place. Of course army and civil policemen were a common sight, more so because the President swore in his new Cabinet while I was there.

So even though the Government is not someone you want to mess with – the ladies are more open. Ladies can go about with or without head scarves and a lot of young ladies go around with tight T-shirts, jeans and flowing locks.

Overall a place that needs some exploration beneath the surface to enjoy. Don’t piss off the Government :) And cross into Israel at your own risk.

Let’s not ask about where else I’m going to next..I’m going to sleep now zzzzzz….
