Miss Traveler » walking http://misstraveler.com Postcards from a curious soul Thu, 09 Jan 2014 15:51:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.22 xmas fun is sucking the life out of me http://misstraveler.com/postcards/xmas-fun-is-sucking-the-life-out-of-me/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/xmas-fun-is-sucking-the-life-out-of-me/#comments Mon, 03 Dec 2007 23:30:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=38 It’s been a long week. But managed to slip in some touristy stuff like:

1. Jack the Ripper walk – very good, the guide (an actor by profession) did voices (horny wretches, toff, Cockney, fire truck (??)) , sang, danced – it was a good night. www.walks.com

2. Syon Park Enchanted Woodland Walk – very very pretty – they put up lights & effects in the park and it just turns into something else. It’s also the home of the Duke and Duchess of Northcumberland but unfortunately Their Graces are not part of the exhibit http://www.syonpark.co.uk/

3. Hyde Park Winter Wonderland. Ice rink is fully booked til Xmas (I’ve been told) but it’s more like a sandy watery rink..better to go to Somerset House. Excited kids, parents, couples, teens – everyone in London had turned up. Ferris wheel, tube slide, carousel, haunted house, rides, food, stalls for pressies, Santa :)

4. VIP shopping weekend – they closed parts of Oxford Street for shoppers – jugglers, entertainers etc. There’s this Argos ad on the telly now that has people sommersaulting over bollards, pushing, shoving…that was probably based on this event :p

5. Columbia Street Flower Market – oh the glorious smell of pine needles…mmm 25 pounds for a 5 ft xmas tree..sigh :)

6. East London Design Show – it was good. Didn’t find any xmas pressies tho :(

Oh yes in my previous email I said that it was Richard VIII – it should actually have been Henry VIII – my bad :(

Interestingly, Henry VIII was eaten by the estate dogs at Syon Park – considered divine judgement for turning Syon Abbey into Syon House.


Got soaked in the rain, it’s been raining all week. And the story behind that nice graffiti is here:


It’s located above the bus stop at the Old Street tube station and the story behind it is worth a read.

That’s it for now..I’m absolutely knackered.


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Healthier hobbies http://misstraveler.com/postcards/healthier-hobbies/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/healthier-hobbies/#comments Sun, 11 Feb 2007 09:00:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=27


It’s been a really strange month since I started work at my old company…obviously things have changed – like people going home before midnight (wimps! hehe) and a healthier regime of after-work yoga lessons, weekend paintball sessions, wall-climbing, waterfall excursion…

Could this really be the same place? Is it possible that KL is having a fresh turnaround of conventional (sweat factory) work-play schedules? Of course not, I started clocking up 10pm, midnight & 4am working nights in the last 2 weeks :(

However, it was good while it lasted.

So here’s the pics of the highlights.

Waterfalling was good, drove 2 hours from KL, get off highway for another 45 mins, then offroad (and I mean offroad!) for another 30mins. Walk on path for 5 mins, then scramble through rainforest for 30mins to get to pristine tropical paradise! We got the first pool and it was great to get wet after working up a sweat. Splashed around then continued climbing. We only got through 7 of the 35 falls but the last falls was really beautiful. Jin got washed down 2 of the falls & almost went down the 3 rd and that would have been when we would have to trek all the way down to retrieve his body…but Hugh & Dave got to him in time :)

Company dinner was fun too – the theme was superheros and it was at the Shangri-la restaurant. There was She-ra, Lara Croft Buffet Raider, Poison Ivy, Spider-woman, Catwoman, Chun Li (streetfighter), the Recycling Revolutionaries (aka Poison Ivy’s Ribenaberries), Mr. Bean…obviously a majority of the people didn’t dress up, but they made up for it with poledancing, man-whoring (just Dean ;) ) The food was good – sushi, oysters, entrees (in little shot glasses), choc fountain etc And our 3d guys are genius impersonators – I must watch myself around those fellas : )

I’ve been having a lot of fun this past month… oh yeah and uhmm there was this small incident where I sort of broke my finger before xmas & I didn’t know (yes, my doctors asked me how could you not know?) After my finger was swollen for a month I went to do xrays & now my finger is in this aluminium-sponge-brace thingy… So I’ve found out that wall-climbing with 3 fingers is not easy, my pen keeps getting stuck in my brace and I now do everything left-handed.

Sigh. Xrays this week and my finger’s better than before but still not back to normal (at all). Chinese New Year next week & I’m already eating myself silly with mandarin oranges.. so…


:D from sunny warm msia

ps: Waves are flat in msia! I’m hoping for one last swell this season…
pps: Does anyone want to go to the KL Muse concert?

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