Miss Traveler » video http://misstraveler.com Postcards from a curious soul Thu, 09 Jan 2014 15:51:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.22 koh phi phi video http://misstraveler.com/postcards/koh-phi-phi-video/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/koh-phi-phi-video/#comments Fri, 24 Sep 2010 14:00:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=94 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89rIBCz_Oqs
song is Alice by Pogo

http://misstraveler.com/postcards/koh-phi-phi-video/feed/ 0
90 seconds on off and under a boat http://misstraveler.com/postcards/90-seconds-on-off-under-boat/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/90-seconds-on-off-under-boat/#comments Mon, 07 Jun 2010 11:00:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=90
90 seconds of clear waters and fishes for my dear office cubicle dwelling friends :) Surely you can spare 90 seconds in between checking emails, changing diapers, running/biking/swimming 1000 miles, drafting proposals or making plans to take over the world (insert evil laugh here… muaHAHAhahaha…) :D
Oh heck, I know that you just want a photo collage!
Here you go! Take care, wherever you are.


http://misstraveler.com/postcards/90-seconds-on-off-under-boat/feed/ 0
Europe 2009 Video http://misstraveler.com/postcards/europe-2009-video/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/europe-2009-video/#comments Mon, 19 Apr 2010 14:45:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=84
Because I can’t do glastonbury (music festival) this year, I made a short vid to play on the ipod to cheer myself up. It’s got bits from London, Glasto, Milan, Paris, Barcelona, Venice… Thought I’d share it and I hope you get to watch it before I take it offline.
If it makes you want to pack on your bags and hop on a flight, then hooray! hehe
Hope all is well in your part of the world
ps: if you’re looking for a photo, there isn’t one in this email! next email!
…watch the vid, it’s like lots and lots of photos that move and stuff x

http://misstraveler.com/postcards/europe-2009-video/feed/ 0
choo choo from pacific to the indian ocean http://misstraveler.com/postcards/choo-choo-from-pacific-to-the-indian-ocean/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/choo-choo-from-pacific-to-the-indian-ocean/#comments Sun, 31 Jan 2010 22:30:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=81
It’s been interesting being in perth because I lived here for 4 years and I was last here almost 10 years ago. In short, perth has changed, but not by much. The same shops are still in the same place and there are some new buildings with some very nice (and expensive) things now, Perth is the big city to the Kalgoorlie mines and the off-shore oil rigs and they get paid pretty good there. Anyway, University of Western Australia (UWA) campus is still looking good, king’s park still has the best views of perth and I still can’t be bothered to go down to Fremantle..haha.
We had some hot weather while I was there, 40 C at night! Also for some strange reason West Australian guys are bigger than guys in sydney, the guys look like they eat 2 T-bone steaks in a day, wrestle kangaroos, catch big fish, surf big waves and drive big white trucks. Actually that last sentence describes the guys I know in Perth (hee hee)
But Perth is still the same – hot, dry, quiet and with amazingly beautiful beaches. These past 2-3 weeks have felt HUGE, especially because I’ve sold my stuff, packed my bags and left sydney and australia. I’m now in Malaysia and 2010 is a bit vague, so I am so sorry if I haven’t written a reply to some of the emails I’ve received! I’m still sorting through this culture change thing and all the other things that make up life… but I hope to meet up some time, some place :)
Also… a new video from Sydney-Perth, the Gold Coast vid is pretty hard to top with the rocker boys, skateboarding, dancers (heehee) and a gorgeous waterfall ;) Errrr…in my defense, for the video.. I did go a little bit nutty halfway through the train trip – living in a train seat for days makes a person go loco!

http://misstraveler.com/postcards/choo-choo-from-pacific-to-the-indian-ocean/feed/ 0
Go for gold!! Happy new year! http://misstraveler.com/postcards/go-for-gold-happy-new-year/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/go-for-gold-happy-new-year/#comments Mon, 04 Jan 2010 10:00:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=79 Happy new year! This year was a little different because it was the first time I celebrated new year twice! Courtesy of being on the border of 2 states with different time zones, haha…

Trip to the Gold Coast was crazy partly because of the xmas and new year’s celebrations but definitely big thanks to the family who took us in as one of their own!

I’ve been coughing up my lungs since before new year’s eve, hanging out on windy beaches didn’t help :( So I’m impressed that I even managed to make this vid, my head is still jumbled up…I’m sure I’ll appreciate it once I stop coughing, sweating and shivering :p

What I didn’t get to fit into the video were the numerous times that someone would whip out a guitar (guitars…plural, all kinds, all sizes, electric, acoustic, ukelele..) and just start acoustic jam sessions. Music always playing from some room in the house. No surfing vids because bringing a camera out into the surf is more grief than it’s worth.

Anyway, enjoy ;)



ps: song is “the modern age”, the Strokes

http://misstraveler.com/postcards/go-for-gold-happy-new-year/feed/ 0
summer sydney video link http://misstraveler.com/postcards/summer-sydney-video-link/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/summer-sydney-video-link/#comments Sun, 20 Dec 2009 20:30:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=78
It’s been a fun few days, brought around a visiting friend in Sydney.
Best to view to the video before youtube takes off the music. My fault really…I didn’t have any good ideas for songs so used a very popular one. Would like to do more vids, as I have a few more stops coming up in the next few months. Also it’s a video diary for myself, for when I age disgracefully (not a typo). I have photos and stuff that are scattered all over globe from the past few years but nothing beats the memories in your head..however the vids and pics definitely help me remember them!
Hope you enjoy.

http://misstraveler.com/postcards/summer-sydney-video-link/feed/ 0
My pool is attached to a beach http://misstraveler.com/postcards/my-pool-is-attached-to-a-beach/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/my-pool-is-attached-to-a-beach/#comments Sat, 21 Mar 2009 22:30:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=66 Went down to the beach for the last swim without layers of neoprene. It’s not exciting, but I like it.


At the end of the day I was a frozen fish finger :( Girl sized.

Life is good :)

hope you’re well in your part of the world.


ps: will probably delete the vid in a week or so

http://misstraveler.com/postcards/my-pool-is-attached-to-a-beach/feed/ 0