Miss Traveler » split http://misstraveler.com Postcards from a curious soul Thu, 09 Jan 2014 15:51:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.22 budapest, plitvice and split http://misstraveler.com/postcards/budapest-plitvice-split/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/budapest-plitvice-split/#comments Sat, 20 Sep 2008 21:30:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=52 So we pulled into Budapest and that night we were supposed to go on; what was described in the itinerary as: “a stroll then boat cruise”. When we arrived at the office with the girls dressed in heels, cocktail dresses and fully dolled up; we were informed that it was a 3 hour walking tour with 40 minute boat cruise. Conveniently, the bus guide disappeared before the tour started citing “weak ankles”.

In hindsight, Budapest was summed up in a list of boxes that can be ticked off. So here we go:

Pretty city – [ tick ]
Another city bicycle ride – [ tick ]
Local tourist trap market – [ tick ]
Visited cheap rooftop bar – [ tick ]
Visit to local strip club by the boys – [ tick ]
Boys charged USD$50 per beer in the strip club – [ tick ]
Visit to Budapest spa – [ tick ]
Saw Budapest locals in various stages of undress in all shapes and sizes [ tick tick tick...oh god I think I just went blind.. ]

Plitvice National Park was really spectacular though. I have never seen such blue and clear water. It was actually, BLUE because of mineral deposits in the water. Fishes, lakes, green, waterfalls, waterfalls and more waterfalls everywhere. Having grown up in the tropics, I’ve seen waterfalls, but never anything like these. I just went around everywhere slack-jawed.. Definitely deserving of UNESCO Heritage status.

Finally arrived in Split, last port before the start of the Split-Dubrovnik cruise. We celebrated with the most exquisite cuisine USD$2 can buy you in a harbourside location. That’s right, the finest slice of pizza margherita on a recycled paper napkin. I splurged and had TWO slices. Oh the luxury.

Split has the Diocletian Palace that like many other treasured pieces of architecture in the world, has been turned into a shopping mall. The city itself is small but many people don’t notice mostly because of the number of bars crammed into one square km.

That’s it for now. Weather in sydney is getting really nice and warm. The beach was packed today!

:) Shi

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