Miss Traveler » kyoto http://misstraveler.com Postcards from a curious soul Thu, 09 Jan 2014 15:51:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.22 ciao and aloha london http://misstraveler.com/postcards/ciao-and-aloha-london/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/ciao-and-aloha-london/#comments Mon, 28 Sep 2009 19:30:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=73 Time seemed to pass way too quickly while I was in London, I was sort of dashing in and out of london going to different european cities but I finally got some down time in London – and then spent a week with some ladies from the UK and all over the world “sight seeing” around London. Well.. my kind of “sight-seeing” anyway :p Very tiring fun, couldn’t really lower myself onto a chair, sort of just collapsing in a soft jelly. Heh. Good fun.
London in the summer is great fun, with lots of festivals going on, I was trying to be more relaxed on this trip but in looking at the pics I really did have a good time. Carnivale Pueblo is touted as the biggest latin american festival in europe, but in true summer style, we missed the parade, slept, ate and drank through the performances and just lay in the sunshine. Kyoto Garden was very beautiful, I was rained on for a bit but without the people it only made became more serene. It kept on raining that day and eventually I got to the Royal Albert Hall so I ducked in for the BBC Proms :) And I revisted my childhood at the V&A Museum of Childhood, which has all sorts of toys from all centuries including a great selection of toys from the 1980s – Carebears, He Man, Ninja Turtles. Kind of funny seeing my old toys (that mum has already given to charity) put into glass boxes, and also some great illustrations by Quentin Blake for Road Dahl..remember him? Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Fantastic Mr Fox, Monkey, Pelly and Me? Ahhhh…
The more you get to know about a place, the more facets you can discover, but London is one city that is definitely diverse in all senses. It was great to meet up with everyone..almost everyone! I missed out quite a few people…sorry – my bad. But I do love a global rendezvous – pick a city and I’ll meet you there! :D I met up with one friend from sydney who’s living in singapore for 2 hours in milan! Was awesome, I love how small this world is..
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Kyoto – fast! http://misstraveler.com/postcards/kyoto-fast/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/kyoto-fast/#comments Mon, 30 May 2005 07:00:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=5 castle tofu bullet littlearch zengrdn


More pics from me – really tired at the moment, I’ve been shinkansen-ing Tokyo-Kyoto this whole weekend, I made 4 trips (woo-hoo!) Shinkansen travel is definitely for me, it makes scenic (but boring) landscape into MTV-esque 30second clips that match my attention span.. I’m still having problems with the trains (this time, the crush went my direction and I was mooshed against the glass) and today on the train to work I could feel the guy next to me’s tupperware in his bag indent itself into my hip…My japanese is also not getting better (in fact it has declined, decayed and is dead on the gutter) and I need classes..like..NOW.

Kyoto was really good. It took a while to get used to but I went all touristy and visited a palace, shrine, castle and zen garden (in that order). I paid the most amount of money for one meal in Kyoto, and it was for a bowl of tofu. But when you see where the restaurant was…you’d understand. And the tofu was good…really! The zen garden was amazing, (Ryoanji)…you can really just relax being there, and I felt heaps better on the way home. Gravel and stones have taken on a whole new meaning….

Well it’s been raining all day here and I’m glad I’m not going home yet. It looks cold out there.

Hope all is well,

Tired Shi all nippon-ised.

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