Miss Traveler » indian pacific http://misstraveler.com Postcards from a curious soul Thu, 09 Jan 2014 15:51:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.22 choo choo from pacific to the indian ocean http://misstraveler.com/postcards/choo-choo-from-pacific-to-the-indian-ocean/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/choo-choo-from-pacific-to-the-indian-ocean/#comments Sun, 31 Jan 2010 22:30:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=81
It’s been interesting being in perth because I lived here for 4 years and I was last here almost 10 years ago. In short, perth has changed, but not by much. The same shops are still in the same place and there are some new buildings with some very nice (and expensive) things now, Perth is the big city to the Kalgoorlie mines and the off-shore oil rigs and they get paid pretty good there. Anyway, University of Western Australia (UWA) campus is still looking good, king’s park still has the best views of perth and I still can’t be bothered to go down to Fremantle..haha.
We had some hot weather while I was there, 40 C at night! Also for some strange reason West Australian guys are bigger than guys in sydney, the guys look like they eat 2 T-bone steaks in a day, wrestle kangaroos, catch big fish, surf big waves and drive big white trucks. Actually that last sentence describes the guys I know in Perth (hee hee)
But Perth is still the same – hot, dry, quiet and with amazingly beautiful beaches. These past 2-3 weeks have felt HUGE, especially because I’ve sold my stuff, packed my bags and left sydney and australia. I’m now in Malaysia and 2010 is a bit vague, so I am so sorry if I haven’t written a reply to some of the emails I’ve received! I’m still sorting through this culture change thing and all the other things that make up life… but I hope to meet up some time, some place :)
Also… a new video from Sydney-Perth, the Gold Coast vid is pretty hard to top with the rocker boys, skateboarding, dancers (heehee) and a gorgeous waterfall ;) Errrr…in my defense, for the video.. I did go a little bit nutty halfway through the train trip – living in a train seat for days makes a person go loco!

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leave room for Australian desert http://misstraveler.com/postcards/leave-room-for-australian-desert/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/leave-room-for-australian-desert/#comments Thu, 21 Jan 2010 22:30:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=80
I don’t know what possessed me to book a 4 day train from Sydney to perth. My friend’s reaction to me renting a bicycle in Paris was “You? You? I never thought of you as that type” and then he was shocked wordless for the next few minutes. Honestly, I surprised even myself by buying a ticket for a seat (not a bed) on the train, but I crossed my fingers and hoped the air-con would work throughout the trip. 4,352km to cover, top speed of 110kmph, but usually going at 80kmph.
The seat turned out to be comfortable enough if you’re 5 feet tall, skinny, flexible, wear an eye mask, ear plugs, bring your own pillow, sheets and can sleep through constant shifting and clanking of a train. And the air-con worked in the passenger carriage but later, not in the dining car, which turned into a mini sauna in the desert heat.
The train makes stops at several places along the way to refuel and fill up the water tanks, they included Broken Hill, Adelaide, Cook and Karlgoolie. They organized tours of these places (additional cost) and it was a chance to see places that I’d not normally go to. Australia is BIG. Australia is so big that it costs a lot to go anywhere. Adelaide is not on the top of my list, but it turned out to be a city with a lot of beautiful buildings, old houses and parks. Or going to Cook, a ghost town in the desert with a population of 4 people and 1 billion flies. Or Kalgoorlie, gold mining town with the SuperPit – a hole 300m in the ground. When you live in a country with the “Big Banana”, “Giant Merino (Sheep)”, ” Giant Prawn”, “Giant Pineapple”…you kind of go… “ahhh.. yes.. the SUPERPIT”.
As in Amsterdam, you can also tour the red-light district of Kalgoorlie, all 3 brothels of it. By the way, the youth hostel is located across the street from the brothels so please don’t turn the wrong way if you decide to stay in Kalgoorlie. Skimpies (sexy barmaids) in the hotel bars are part of Kalgoorlie tradition, locals also elected a transsexual brothel madam to council.
In a sense, I feel incredibly privileged to have seen all of it. Unfortunately after this privilege, I felt malnourished, fatigued and dehydrated. Almost like I’d crossed the desert by myself. If the opportunity ever comes up again to choose between a train or a plane between perth and sydney – PLANE! PLANE! PLANE! (but I can only say that after doing the train)
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