Miss Traveler » glastonbury http://misstraveler.com Postcards from a curious soul Thu, 09 Jan 2014 15:51:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.22 showers in a field http://misstraveler.com/postcards/showers-in-a-field/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/showers-in-a-field/#comments Tue, 25 Aug 2009 21:30:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=69 How do you describe 6 days of living in a tent in the english countryside, seeing amazing bands, acrobats, stalls, sculptures and performers?


Glastonbury (music festival) again this year – booked my ticket since December!

Day#1: Arrival.
Carrying tent and setting up wasn’t too bad. Where are those tentpegs? Oh well, lots of shops so easily sorted. Sun is out, grass is green.

Day #2, #3, #4, #5: Music music music. At various times, we climb to the top of the hill, get Mum tattoos, drink organic coffee, organic cider, eat organic bread, organic big breakfasts, use all types of public loos including the “comfy crappers” (no kidding), sit on the grass, walk through mud, stand in the rain, sit on the grass, sit in the sun…listen to more music.

Night #5:
Prodigy festival closer! Totally mental. Some tall guy behind me was jumping up and down and suddenly stopped. 2 seconds later felt a warm spray on my leg and I ask the guy next to me “did you drop some water?” (knowing it wasn’t, but hoping it was) – the guy in front me shouts “ew some guy’s using my leg as a tree!” At one point everyone’s crouching down on the ground – why? Because they told us to! haha.. That, and crowd-surfers, moshing with 1000s of sweaty new best friends with no room to breath. Was supposed to meet my friend, but got lost amongst 1000s of people.

Afterwards I really need to wash everything off. Strip down to a bikini past midnight and subject myself to a cold wash under a tap in the middle of the campgrounds. My breath mists up as walk away feeling refreshed and tingly…only to walk up to my giggling friend who’s just happened to walk by and witness the whole scene.

Day 6:
Packing up the tent. Found out where the tent pegs went to, I’d set the tent up on them. Realised what that hard lump he’d been sleeping on for the last 5 nights was ;) Heh.

Amazing 6 days. Not sure if I’d do 6 days again – but I will keep an eye out for when the tickets for 2010 come up!

The playlist:

Dizzy Rascal, N*E*R*D, Bruce Springsteen, Badly drawn boy, Kep Domino, Bombay Bicycle Club, Prodidgy, Glasvegas, Lady Gaga, The Yeah yeah yeahs, Doves, Priscila Anh, Lily Allen, Spinal Tap, Kasabian, In case of fire, The boxer rebellion and a little of: Jason Mraz, Bon Iver and the music of the penguin cafe orchestra

Have a good one,

ps: I forgot to mention in the last email that I also spent a day in Milan. I spent most of the day on the roof of the Il Duomo trying to prise my fingers off the walls (voted #1 most scared asian tourist on the roof)..it was beautiful though :)

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good music peace and love http://misstraveler.com/postcards/good-music-peace-and-love/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/good-music-peace-and-love/#comments Sun, 19 Oct 2008 21:30:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=55 Got home past midnight because of a signaling failure at Doncaster from York. Then up the next morning at 430 because I had collapsed into bed & still hadn’t packed for Glasto.

As the coach pulled out of Victoria London, it was bright and sunny, spirits were high and I was amazed at how organised everything was. As we got closer to the venue, it started to drizzle and the only pit stop was selling water, wet wipes and wellingtons for 2-3 times the normal price.

But the drizzle stopped after the 1st day and Glasto had the best sunny weather for the first time in years! Epic indeed. There were so many great bands to see and the audiences were mostly happy and sane – except for the ones at the Amy Winehouse and Jay-Z gig. We had a rough plan to see most gigs we wanted but spent most of the time wandering in and out of different tents, more bands, Green Fields (Hippy area), organic coffee, organic sausages, organic apple cider and organic impromptu wild dancing (heehee)

Best thing in the world has got to be jumping up and down in a sunny grassy field to great music with good friends :) Had such a good time I’ve already booked my ticket for 2009..so see you London people next year :D

Fantastic 3 days, left glasto with a brilliant sunset back to london and the next morning hopped on a flight to Kuala Lumpur via Doha. Next email, Thailand.


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