Miss Traveler » bicycle http://misstraveler.com Postcards from a curious soul Thu, 09 Jan 2014 15:51:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.22 miss bicycle http://misstraveler.com/postcards/miss-bicycle/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/miss-bicycle/#comments Thu, 03 Sep 2009 13:30:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=70 Somehow everytime I go to Paris I have a good time. Compared to London, the weather and food seems to improve the moment the eurostar goes under the channel, which is rather bizarre. Or (most probably) it’s that I’m on holiday…anyway…
Arrived on the hottest day/week of the month, even the cafes had to close as it was suffocatingly hot indoors and a lot of old buildings don’t have central air-conditioning. On the 1st sunday of every month is free museum day, although I found out that not all museums do.
But I’d kind of been thinking of a bicycle ride by the Seine which is rather nice with leafy boulevards and water and beautiful churches and palaces and buildings. So I decided to rent a bicyle (Velib) and check out the museums on free sunday. Afterwards I realised several important things:
1. The musems are much further than they look on the map
2. There are loooong queues on free museum day
3. Velibs are not dirt bikes
4. Walking in the Louvre with blood trickling down your leg is not a good look.
5. If your wound continues to become more swollen the day after, it may have gone septic and you will need to go to the ER. (It got better after).
6. Cycling in the twilight evening, along the Seine is great :)
All in all, a good trip.
Back in the room while gazing wistfully at my swollen knee, I thought out loud “Well, at least when I’m old I can tell my grandkids that grandma fell off a bicycle in Paris” “Or you mean that when grandma still had a leg…” “…!!!”
ps: here’s a link to pics of some of the silliness at glasto! Made me laugh out loud, I was standing next to the oompa loompas at the glasvegas concert..they are led by willy wonka, and they have a synchronised dance that they did during the concert..hahahaha…
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