Miss Traveler » bali http://misstraveler.com Postcards from a curious soul Thu, 09 Jan 2014 15:51:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.22 Long update http://misstraveler.com/postcards/long-update/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/long-update/#comments Mon, 06 Nov 2006 09:00:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=25





Hi yall

Latest news is that I left Dubai 1 month ago after resigning from my job (early Oct), so I won’t be back there anytime soon. It is a long
story but the only thing that matters is that I’m happier now : )

I finally managed to be all touristy in Dubai and did the dune safari, waterpark and in the months before and after leaving Dubai. Also went to Paris, London, Rotterdam & Delft before leaving Dubai and Bali after leaving. Next month I’m doing a trip to Turkey and Greece because it’s been years since I spent time with my parents and because I also enjoy unique forms of torture! ;)

So we go…

Paris: Uniquely french, beautiful bouelavards, quai-branly, cafes, parks and oh the food!
London: Fast, hurried and very very Brit-ish. Tate Modern, Blue Men Theatre, Notting Hill Festival and french food in Covent Garden. Do yourself a favour and don’t try english food unless it’s from a gastro pub.
Rotterdam: Grey nauticalism and streaks of creativity – Calatrava, Renzo Piano, Foster in one glance.
Delft: Canals, bicycles, old town squares and university life.
Dubai dune bashing: Sand, vertical 4wd, grumpy camels, camel dung, shisha and dune skiing.
Dubai Wild Wadi: Flowriders and water slides.
Bali: Surf trips are always fun. We ate extra well this trip thanks to Diah’s local knowledge of best restaurants in bali :)

That’s it for now, I’m going for dinner! Write me sometime…




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Raya Holidays http://misstraveler.com/postcards/raya-holidays/ http://misstraveler.com/postcards/raya-holidays/#comments Sun, 11 Sep 2005 07:00:00 +0000 http://misstraveler.com/?p=15 Oh yeah,

I went to bali for a week. Yes, again. In less than 24 hours after saying “I’m in”, went to the airport, bought a ticket and flew to bali. Week-long public holiday in malaysia because of hari raya adil fitri and deepavali (indian), I love muliticulturalism.

bali is a lot nicer during off-peak season, balinese people are friendlier, you see little kids playing in the shops and there are sessions where we surfed centres in kuta reef 2 days in a row with just the three of us, solid overhead (and bigger) and water so clear I correctly identified lettuce coral (it’s coral shaped like a lettuce, big duh).

Didn’t do much actually. Did all the cultural stuff during my long trip the last time. Just did a morning surf sesh, ate, napped, surfed, ate, went out, slept (X7).

A good holiday that I really can’t remember what happened ;)

But here are some highlights (and lowlights):
I boarded the plane but my luggage and board didn’t – so had to borrow guy friend’s shirt and went walking around kuta for a day looking like a 12-year old japanese boy. Interestingly, I didn’t get offered drugs or women (if I had really looked like a man), and didn’t get chatted up (if I had looked like a woman)
Being introduced to everyone as “his little brother” for 1 week afterwards.
Hung out with a friend working at Hard Rock Hotel to do paddle board races in the Hard Rock Hotel pool.
Was fun, jumped on the slides after that.
Accidentally met long-lost american surfer chik whom I first met in bali 1 1/2 yrs back – in the lineup in kuta beach. (hooray!)

As the solo female, taking the boys window shopping with me and then having to wait 2 hours while they finished shopping. Got punched on the leg a few times for singing Elmo’s song out loud on the motorbike. Can’t help it if its the only song I know…. Eating nasi goreng almost everyday. Became malnourished after 5 days. Got cranky unless I sat in an air-conditioned shop/bar/restaurant/internetcafe for at least 30 minutes every night.

The swell that we thought wasn’t going to hit Malaysia did arrive while we were in bali. And in case you’re wondering, yes, there were still tourists in bali but mostly from jakarta, malaysian – mostly asians. Only asians in the Mcdonalds, KFC, Hard Rock and haagen-daaz. The aussies and europeans went underground into the local warongs.

hope you like the pic.


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